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효율적인 프리젠테이션 (빌게이츠와 스티브잡스 비교)

Hi everyone!
I'm sure you all know Mr. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.
Mr Gates needs to give presentations regularly.  As you'd expect, he probably is a master at presentations.
Well, take a look at these photos and see for yourselves:
사용자 삽입 이미지
               Photo 1: Many, many colors, pictures & a huge amount of information.  Hmmm...


사용자 삽입 이미지

                                Photo 2: Lots of bullet points and text.  Plenty of reading forf the audience.  Hmmm...


OK!  Mr Gates is a great guy.   He gives billions of dollars to charities annually.

However, he needs help with using Power Point.

Bill used too many colors, pictures and text.  His slides were either too confusing or crammed with information.

These are good examples of how NOT to use Power Point.

Isn't it ironic that the company that sells Power Point, doesn't use it well?

Those of you who took the Persuasive Presenter 1 workshop know what I mean.

NOW, introducing Steve Jobs, CEO and founder of Apple Inc.

Mr. Jobs also gives presentations regularly to large audiences.  Let's explore how he uses slides:

사용자 삽입 이미지

                                Photo 3: Simple, few words, easy to follow concepts.  Wow!

사용자 삽입 이미지

                                Photo 4: Look! A blank screen!
Remember, during a presentation you are the point of attention, not your Power Point Slides!
Steve Jobs, has a reputation for being a great presenter.  I hope he inspires you as much as he inspires me.
To your success!!
Faysal P. Sekkouah

잡스형님 멋있다 ㅠ_ㅠ 누가 비교한건지는 모르겠지만 게이츠 형님은 우째...
암튼 난 언제 저리될꼬? 맥북을 살껄그랬나 ㅎㅎ
아오~ 다른 동영상 가진분 없나요?? 이건 아이팟 미니 제품소개 발표동영상!

저저저....런 프리젠테이션 넘어가는것 좀 봐라.ㅎㄷㄷ
근데 정말 작은거 강조하네. 리얼리리얼리~ 스몰.
온갖 MP3플레이어는 다 나오는구만. 작긴작당! 근데 길어 ㅡㅡ;;
그래도 발표 참말로 잘하신당.