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하루에 두번 포스팅하는건 정말정말 오랜만인듯 ㅎ

1. doxygen-1.7.5
2. Doxverilog2.6
--> Doxverilog2.6 압축풀면 README 파일이 있는데 설치 설명이 나와있다.

 System Requirements

  Name    version               URL
  -----     ---------------   ---------------------------------------
  * bison  2.1 or higher         http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/bison.html
  * flex     2.5.35 or higher     http://flex.sourceforge.net
  * doxygen sources  1.7.0    http://www.doxygen.org/download.html
  --> ubuntu 10.04 에서 셋업

install the doxygen-1.7.5 sources

1. copy the Verilog files verilogparser.y verlogscanner.l and the source files to the doxygen-1.7.5\src directory

2. copy the patch file verilog.patch to directory doxygen-1.7.5

3. open a shell in the doxygen-1.7.5 directory

3.2  make  patch  # patch -p1 -F3 < verilog.patch

3.2 configure doxygen
    sudo configure
4 compile  the source files
    sudo  make all

5 If the compilation was successful create a doxygen configuration file with  # doxygen -s -g verilog.cfg
  In the configuration file you should see the option OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VERILOG.
  The file patterns for the Verilog parser  are *.v and *.V
--> verilog.cfg 파일이 생성되는데 아래에 cfg 파일 올려놓겠습니다.

암튼 첨부터 수행과정을 적어보면 (http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/doxygen_usage.html)

To generate a manual for your project you typically need to follow these steps:

  1. You document your source code with special documentation blocks (see section Special documentation blocks).
  2. You generate a configuration file (see section Configuration) by calling doxygen with the -g option:
    doxygen -g <config_file>
  3. You edit the configuration file so it matches your project. In the configuration file you can specify the input files and a lot of optional information.
  4. You let doxygen generate the documentation, based on the settings in the configuration file:
    doxygen <config_file>

If you have a configuration file generated with an older version of doxygen, you can upgrade it to the current version by running doxygen with the -u option.

      doxygen -u <config_file>

All configuration settings in the original configuration file will be copied to the new configuration file. Any new options will have their default value. Note that comments that you may have added in the original configuration file will be lost.

걍 편하게스리 문서화 작업 실행
doxygen verilog.cfg

html로 open
firefox ./index.html

오예~ 동작!

